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Hu Nian Tsu is a native of Yiyang County, Hunan Province. His courtesy name is Xingyan, and his aliases are Tao Jian Traveler and Old Stonebull Herdsmen. In 1946, he studied in Nanjing Art Vocational School and majored in Chinese painting.

In 1948, he studied under Chinese painting master- Huang Chun-pi and was appointed as Associate Professor of Taiwan Provincial Normal College (now the National Taiwan Normal University).

He also studied the skills of Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting from Hsin-yu Pu. In 1959, Hu taught at Taiwan College of Arts (now the National Taiwan University of Arts).

He then resigned his teaching position to be do full-time ink painting creation. His painting experiences are more than 70 years.

Hu's creations have been exhibited around the world more than 100 times. His unique painting style blends with the essence of traditional painting and the abstract expression of western painting.

He used serpentine chapped skill and sprinkle rubbing skill to reconstruct eastern modernism painting and pioneered in new abstract splash-ink painting.His creation surfed between classic and modern.He had awarded the honorary Doctor of Arts by Dewey College and been famous in art area.

1927 出生於湖南省益陽縣桃花江。 1930 祖父省三公以文字及圖畫啟蒙,既長,時為母親繪製湘繡樣本及臨摹父親購贈之芥子園畫譜。(1930-45) 1946 入私立南京美專國畫選科正式接受繪畫訓練,並得校長高希舜先生親自指導,及臨摹古今名畫。

1948 任軍中文書工作並於南京拜黃君璧為師。 1949 隨軍來台,追隨黃君璧先生繼續研究山水畫。 1951 台灣省立師範學院(現為台灣師範大學)藝術系擔任助教,得溥心畬教授指點北宗山水畫法。