1976年美國羅得島州州立大學土木碩士畢業。 (Got Master degree from civil engineering department of University of Rhode Island in 1976) 1972年台北工專土木科畢業 (Graduated from civil engineer department of National Taipei University of Technology in 1972)。 1983年取得土木技師證照。 (Got professional civil engineer in 1983)
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官方網站: http://liaw.rumotan.com/
1976年美國羅得島州州立大學土木碩士畢業。 (Got Master degree from civil engineering department of University of Rhode Island in 1976) 1972年台北工專土木科畢業 (Graduated from civil engineer department of National Taipei University of Technology in 1972)。 1983年取得土木技師證照。 (Got professional civil engineer in 1983)
2002年獲全日展國獲得特選 (2002 receive the special award in Chinese color painting from National Japanese Exhibition, Japan) 2004年獲全日展國畫獲得藝術賞 (2004 receive the art award in Chinese color painting from National Japanese Exhibition, Japan)
2004年參與交通部機構員工第16、17屆國畫展獲得佳作獎 (2004 receive the excellent award in Chinese color painting from Ministry of Transportation and Communication, R.O.C.) 2004年參與歐豪年國畫大師師生聯展 (2004 participate the Union Exhibition of Master Ho-Nien Au)
2013年油畫與國畫個展 (2013 hold the Solo Exhibition of oil paintings and Chinese color paintings at Department of Labor of Taipei City government, R.O.C.)
國際專案管理師_如何考上國際專案管理師證照 專案管理實務與應用 瀝青混凝土配合設計
習畫歷程中,為尋回自己的興趣,在工作閒暇之餘,先後拜師名畫家陳牧雨老師及國畫大師歐豪年教授學習國畫,書法及篆刻師事黃智陽教授;油畫拜師美國知名畫家Daniel Edmondson,學習靜物、風景及人物等畫法。